The “big idea” is often the most misunderstood concept. It does not need to be a very complex idea or to require a huge amount of technology to be implemented or even larger amounts of capital. We call it the big idea because it can help you build a big company. Experience has shown that big ideas tend to be:

  • Relatively simple, you can probably describe them in a few sentences
  • Defensible, competitors would have a hard time implementing them
  • Address large, global market
  • Capital efficient, less capital needed means more equity for the founders
  • Deliver a strong value proposition to customers

In today’s environment, Odyssey sees significant opportunities in leveraging the new computing environment as it is defined by cloud computing, global positioning, multi-media, and multi-device convergence, open source development methods and software as a service licensing models.  While with the emergence of smart phones consumer applications have been most prevalent, we also see opportunities in  re-architecting traditional business applications to take advantage of the new computing environmnet. We see new software applications redefining the value chain in specific industries and in the process creating significant opportunities for the software vendors who create them.

We are looking forward to hearing your idea!